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Aged Care Planning – Uncharted Territory

Amanda Varidel

Life changes 

Living in a regional area might mean that accessing aged care services is difficult or even non-existent. 

Your stairs or steep driveway might be fine to navigate today but as you age it is likely that these might be much more difficult. 

Home renovations at this time might allow you to live comfortably in your own home longer. 

It’s all about planning early to provide yourself with the best choice for you. If you are part of a couple – it’s important to think about how one’s future may impact the others. 

You need to be realistic about your future care needs. 


Essential preparation 

Ensure your legal documents are in order. Make sure there is a Power of Attorney in place. If you don’t have one then someone trying to access your money, whether it be superannuation to pay for your aged care room or services or other, will have to go through the super trustees who may not accept your loved ones as a responsible guardian. 

Make sure you also have a valid photo ID – as you age, your driver’s license or passport may expire and if you need to access Centrelink for aged care services this could prove difficult. 


Understanding your options 

Aged care can take many forms. You might like to age in your own home and access home care services. If you choose to leave your home there are lifestyle communities, retirement villages or communities, assisted living and aged care facilities. 

There are even group homes which operate totally outside the government assisted facilities but provide additional choice for those who can afford a more luxurious aged care facility. 

They all have different rules and funding options. We will explore in more detail in our next aged care article. 

Complexities in the system mean that you should seek advice – financial advice to understand your obligations and options and legal advice to make sure your documentation is up to date and that you understand anything you sign with aged care providers. 

Maybe it is time to get advice? 




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